I found a list of traits for first born children:
First-born Traits
- Natural leader - majority of politicians, directors, and spokespersons are first-borns
- High achiever - sets goals and reaches them
- Picky and precise - pays attention to detail and expects perfection
- Organized and competent
- Punctual
- Likes to be in control and doesn't like surprises
- Can be moody and lack sensitivity
- Can be intimidating and refuse to take no for an answer
- Sometimes they can be a "know-it-all".
- Often bossy and feels that they are right
- Responsible and tries to keep the rules, will misbehave if rejected
- Tries to please others especially adults, may not say "no" or disagree because they don't want to cause problems
- Poor at delegating because they want to make sure it's done right
Then... this morning I got a call from him. Conner and Stockton were headed off to school. They give me a call each morning before heading out. I like to make sure they have all they need for the day (here is my oldest child traits coming out). "Mom, you forgot two very important things this morning. You forgot to leave me and Stockton lunch money, and your forgot to write down what chores we were suppose to do today." Opps! I wish I were just a little more organized in my thoughts..haha! But then Conner said, "Don't worry too much. I all ready made me and Stockton some lunch, so we are ready to go." WOW! I could learn a few things from my own son in being so responsible and picking up the slack on things his mother has forgotten to do. I tell you what, he is going to make a fine father someday!
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