Thursday, September 11, 2008

Boys Humor

Me, Garrett, Zander and a football friend, James, were all in the car and we were heading to football practice. James started laughing, "I just farted!" he said. Garrett, James, and Zander all began laughing loudly. Then Garrett let out a big burp! Again the boys continued laughing. Next, James started to burp over and over again. Garrett was in such amazement that James had such talent!! He asked James to teach him how to burp like that... over and over again. While James was giving Garrett his lesson on burping, Zander was laughing so hard. Zander nearly lost his breath because of his giggles.

Garrett wasn't able to master the lesson of burping.... thank goodness! But the entire 10 minute drive to football practice was non-stop humor for all the boys in the car. They were so amused with the burping fest. It is interesting what boys think is so funny.